Australian education gives a clear pathway to a better future with attractive job opportunities and a chance to remain in Australia forever. Another major driving force to opt Australia as an education destination is working opportunity during their study period. The Australian government with its immigration laws and regulation gives international students to work up to 40 hours for a week while they have course break and 20 hours during classes. If an international student is enrolled in Masters level by research s/he and spouse can work full time and coursework student can work up to 20 hours a week and spouse can work full time. This type of work condition seems quite helpful for students to manage their tuition fees. [ads2]
But, the working options are just a legal and regulatory framework; it doesn’t mean you will get jobs as described before. In most of the cases, an international student stuck to find a job in Australia. Most of Nepali students stuck with the same problem. They don’t get a job, proper timings and pay for a long time. It might take 5-6 months to get a job. In rural parts, it seems tougher to get a job to cover up living expenses.

Good numbers of education consultancies misleading with an extravaganza on Australian job scenario for international students willing to join Australian Education. What many Nepalese students were briefed in Nepal by Education Agents is ‘you’ll get a job easily with 20-25 dollars an hour pay. Which is sufficient to pay rent & tuition fees’ even elucidate ‘not a single person returned from Australia being unable to get a job and pay tuition fee there’.
These mentioned are major reasons, Nepali Students prefer Australia for study. If the student succeeds to manage his/her financial as well as educational loads, Australia becomes a dreamland in a true sense with a better career, life & opportunities. But, one needs to give his/her optimum effort. [ads1]
This video uploaded on YouTube explains better, how Nepali students are struggling in Australia during their student life.
Video: Nepali students in Australia
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