All you need to know about Terminating your Rental Lease

At some point of time all tenants want to move out and there can be a number of reasons for it ranging from not liking the property to problems with the landlord. In such a situation one has to terminate the lease agreement. However easy this may sound, ask those who have went through the pain of doing this. If you wish to vacate the property you just can’t simply walk out because that is considered as breach of contract. On doing so you will be liable to pay monetary compensation to the landlord for whatever he or she has suffered loss of due to you.

While signing your rental agreement take a look at it and find if it is a periodic or continuing lease or a fixed lease. In case of a fixed lease, you agree to vacate the property on a particular date while if it is a periodic or continuing lease, then the agreement gives you the right to vacate the property at your own will by providing a notice of 30 days to your landlord and/or agent. You also need to check the legislation that applies to your state for this.

If on serving the notice your landlord doesn’t agree to you leaving in the form say not sign over the termination of lease agreement or hold back your bond money then you have right to report the matter to your state department of consumer affairs or housing and seek their advice for the same. In the court you will be required to prove that your reasons are justifiable too. There may be cases when you are not returned your bond money. If this is because of any damage that you have caused to the property or any loss that the landlord has borne because of you, then he or she has the right to do so and will have to prove their reasons in the court.

In case the landlord has served you a notice to vacate the property, he or she has to provide this in writing to you and provide sufficient days to make the arrangement as well. In the following cases your landlord can make you leave the property based on notice immediately, you are causing harm to property or  you are a problem to the neighborhood of the property. In these cases the landlord can issue an eviction notice and also ask police for help. In these cases as well the landlord will be required to prove the reasons are justified.





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Disclaimer: (नेपालीपेज डटकम) is a Nepalese Community website aggregating Nepalese Australian affairs including Australian Nepali Community News, Migration opportunities in Australia, Nepali International Students, Nepali home and garden, Nepali mortgage and real estate tips, tricks, and services, Travel, Entertainment, Nepalese Events, blogs, interview and many more. None of our stories is tailored expert advice for your circumstance, and cannot be taken as legal, migration, or any other expert advice. By nature, all of our contents provide general information on related topics from the various verified sources. We do not offer direct employment opportunities, Australian VISA help, and Migration assistance.

About Sugandh Ratan Agarwal

A fun loving gal set in her own ways. Embarking on a journey to make a name. Write such that someone else can write about you! Cheers!
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