Mistakes to avoid while doing a career change


Career change is the most crucial decision that one has to make during their professional life. Many a times we want to change which can be either a full change as in changing the industry or may be switching over to another sector within the industry. Career change is a crucial decision to make and must be done very carefully as you will actually be leaving a job that you are currently doing to do something that you are new at.

One of the most important things to analyse while changing the career path is what is the reason. Everyone has something that keeps them anchored to their job. Hence you need to find out what is it that you like about your job and what is it that motivates you to come to work every day. No doubt money or monetary payment that you get forms a big part of this but there must be other things as well. This can be the area of work you are interested into or that you like the office environment.

The next step would be to write the pros and cons of your current job. This will help you analyse what is missing in your current job. Then you can make the points that you want to be included and search for roles within the industry that suits the requirement. Industry is being said over for a very big reason. For someone who has been working is a corporate for a long time knows the industry and its ways and hence the experience that you have gained is very important. You must always try to search a job that matches it somehow.

Although all these steps are very important for a career change still some people tend to make mistakes in the process and jeopardize their whole professional life. Here are a few mistakes that you must avoid.

  • First and foremost will be to change a career for monetary reasons. Understand that your job might be paying you less today but as you move up in the ladder the advantages are going to increase only.
  • Do not confuse between hating a job and hating your career. You might hate the job you are doing and not the career. You may not be very fond of your seniors or may be the office environment but this is no reason to change career.
  • Never think of changing a career without necessary qualifications to switch on the other one.
  • This is a very important decision and must be given ample of time.


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About Sugandh Ratan Agarwal

A fun loving gal set in her own ways. Embarking on a journey to make a name. Write such that someone else can write about you! Cheers!
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