NepaliPage, Connecting Australian Nepalese Community & Australian Nepalese Business Globally

[divider style=”dashed” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] (नेपालीपेज डटकम) is an Australian Nepalese Community Media platform connects large number of Nepalese Australians through common interest news, views and reviews. As an Australian Community Media NepaliPage aggregates News, Australian Nepali Community Affairs from all around Australia in both Nepali and English language. in English and in Nepali.

Initially the website domain was registered in 2016 and used to write on Nepalese international students issue when majority of Nepalese were  struggling to find authentic information regarding jobs and settlements in Australia. At that time it was the most visited website by Nepalese in Australia. Later on, with expanding Nepalese Australian population NepaliPage started supporting Nepalese Businesses and start-ups as well. Now, NepaliPage is a popular Nepalese Community Media Platform with huge community engagement throughout Australia.

As an Australian Nepalese community media platform we are more focused on informative issues to support migrant community to make living comfort.


NepaliPage, Australian Nepalese Community Media

Our Team

We are a team of back home professional journalists with decades of experience over radio, print, television and online journalism expertise.

[author title=”Editor/Publisher” image=””] Madan Mani holds a Master’s Degree in Journalism & Mass Communication from Tribhuvan University. He worked on various roles such as sub-editor, correspondent, script editor, and assistant editor on Nepalese mainstream media such as Annapurna Post, Image Channel, Doorsanchar. And, as an academic he was teaching Media Studies on various levels school, bachelors, and masters. In Australia he adopted programming as career after completing Master’s Degree in Software Engineering from Federation University. Works on couple of mobile apps, ecommerce development and digital marketing projects.

can be reached at 0414007634 or  [/author]


[author title=”Community Engagement Specialist” image=””] Sangita holds Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology, Anthropology, and Journalism from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. She has copywriting, reporting, and sub-editing experience  she has completed Community Service ‘Case Management’ from TAFE NSW.

can be reached at 0406774757 or  [/author]

[author title=”State Coordinator Melbourne ” image=””] Ramchandra Ghimire holds Master’s Degree in Business Analyst and Enterprise Systems from Federation University, Australia. He is a Melbourne based Business Analyst.

can be reached at 0452361059 or  [/author]


[author title=”Writer/Sub-editor” image=””]

Sugandh Ratan Agarwal, A fun loving gal set in her own ways. Embarking on a journey to make a name. Write such that someone else can write about you! Cheers![/author]


Contact NepaliPage for Editorial purpose, Glendenning, NSW 2761

Email: nepalipagenews(@)

Phone: 0414007634


Source for Nepalese Australian News

Now, Nepali-Page aggregates all Australian and world affairs tailored to Nepalese Australian interest. For Australian government and non government agencies its a window to reach Nepalese Community in Australia. Our Nepali Language edition  helps Australia born Nepalese kids learn Nepali Language as well as helps Nepali Community members to understand Australian everyday happenings in own Nepali Language. We are the comprehensive media outlet for Nepalese Australian Community.

You can navigate our news topics from following menu:

Nepalese Business Directory

As an Australian Nepalese Community Media we promote Businesses and Start-ups by Nepali Australians. To help small and medium business grow we offer digital marketing tools and platform so businesses could upscale their growth. Nepalese Business Directory is one of our integral part to promote Nepali business in Australia.

Check Nepalese Business through Nepalese Business Directory  

We also list Nepalese business directory in each Australian state

Adelaide Nepalese Business Directory 

Brisbane  Nepalese Business Directory 

Canberra  Nepalese Business Directory 

Darwin  Nepalese Business Directory 

Melbourne  Nepalese Business Directory 

Perth  Nepalese Business Directory 

Sydney  Nepalese Business Directory 

Tasmania  Nepalese Business Directory 


Contact NepaliPage for Advertising & Directory Service

Madan Adhikary

Glendenning, NSW, 2150

Call: 0414007634

NepaliPage, Nepali Australian Community Media ABN: 72 657 777 707


NepaliPage Nepalese Community Social Media Groups

We have extensive involvement in community engagement throughout the Australia. We are managing Facebook Groups that networks more than 50,000 community members. See our Australian Nepalese Facebook Group List 

Our Facebook Community connects more than 150,000 community members on Australian issues. Our facebook communities are:

International Students & Migrants Groups


Group Name URL Members
Study in Australia


73k Plus


Jobs in Australia


22k Plus


Nepalese Living in Australia


4.9k Plus



New South Wales


Group Name URL Members
Nepalese in Sydney 35.9k Plus


Nepalese in Auburn 2k plus



Group Name URL Members
Nepalese in Tasmania

4k Plus
Study Tasmania 14.7k Plus



Australian Capital Territory

Group Name URL Members
Nepalese in Canberra


Northern Territory


Group Name URL Members
Nepalese in Darwin


Western Australia

Group Name URL Members
Nepalese in Perth 5.1k Plus


Group Name URL Members
Nepalese in Melbourne


5.1k Plus

South Australia

Group Name URL Members
Nepalese in Adelaide 2.4k Plus


Group Name URL Members
Nepalese in Queensland 2.4k Plus