Tag: Featured

Dibesh Pokhrel, Nepalese ‘rock star’ on American Idol

While whole Nepal is enjoying Nepalised franchise reality singing competition ‘Nepal Idol’…

Madan Mani Madan Mani

Nepalese man sentenced for squeezing lady’s breast on train

A Nepalese man has to serve a two-year community corrections order and…

Madan Mani Madan Mani

Canberra invited 687 for state nomination in January

Canberra invited 687 candidates submitted an expression of interest to live and…

Madan Mani Madan Mani

Careful lovebirds, scammers targeting you on social media

February, this is the season of love. Not only on the single…

Madan Mani Madan Mani

These occupations have high chance to get permanent residency in Australia

For many, permanent residency in Australia is a dream come true. It’s…

Madan Mani Madan Mani

You could face jail for using HUNDI to transfer money to Nepal

Are you looking for well-paid rates to transfer money to Nepal over…

Madan Mani Madan Mani

Your student visa would cancel if transit China

Many Nepalese choose China Southern Airlines transiting Guangzhou to travel Australia for…

Madan Mani Madan Mani

Australia Awards 2021 open for Nepalese Students

Those who consider themselves bright and the right student to internationalise their…

Madan Mani Madan Mani

Ladies barbeque meetup today

Hey, girls, are you newly arrived? And are you looking for networking…

Madan Mani Madan Mani

Thousand invited for 189 visa in January

Australian government invited one thousand interested skilled occupants to apply for 189…

Madan Mani Madan Mani