Madan Mani

Madan Mani, lives in Sydney, Software Engineer, Digital Marketeer, graduated from Federation University, has solid Journalism and Media background, worked for years in Nepalese National Dailies, Radios, Online & TVs.
354 Articles

Thousands of Nepalese Smart Licence used in Australia might be fake

Thousands of drivers in Australia might be using fake driving licence to…

Madan Mani Madan Mani

Australia plans to reduce immigration levels

Australia plans to scale back its immigration level through a 'once-in-a-generation' overhaul…

Madan Mani Madan Mani

VETASSESS Pauses Skill Assessment for Popular Occupations Chef, Cooks – What Next?

International Students studying the courses leading to these occupations and planning to…

Madan Mani Madan Mani

People earned 4.3 million dollars, simply filling and referring online survey  

In 2021 Octopus members earned total 4.3 million according to Octopus Group,…

Madan Mani Madan Mani

An ultimate guide to be a registered pharmacist in Australia

Overseas graduates and pharmacists can get registered as pharmacist in Australia, need…

Madan Mani Madan Mani

How to find a best Nepali mortgage broker in Australia

Doing the home loan through Nepali Mortgage Broker not only helps get…

Madan Mani Madan Mani

Everything you need to know about Kathmandu to Sydney Nepal Airlines Flight 

Flying from Nepal to Sydney will no longer be daunting, as Nepal…

Madan Mani Madan Mani

Benefits of Nepal Airlines Flights Sydney to Kathmandu for Nepalese in Australia

Nepalese living in Australia are excited for Nepal Airlines Flights Sydney to…

Madan Mani Madan Mani

Nepal Airlines is ready to start flights to Australia

Good News, everyone! Nepal Airlines is moving closer to launching its direct…

Madan Mani Madan Mani

Budget 2023 at a glance: major measures, cuts and spends

The government is also forecasting a “small surplus” of $4.2 billion in…

Madan Mani Madan Mani