Tag: Featured

International students will get support if enrolled through Expert Education

International students in Australia are one of the most suffered communities by…

Madan Mani Madan Mani

Soon to face financial crisis ? Know the possibilities to save yourself from one!

Nepalese living in Australia, are soon to face the economic crisis. The…

Pabitra Dhakal Pabitra Dhakal

$11,000 fine & jail for leaving house without valid reasons in NSW!

NSW government is taking up every measure to safeguard their residents. Authorities…

Pabitra Dhakal Pabitra Dhakal

Nepalese parents now can send money to their children overseas

A sign of relief for the Nepalese parents who were worried about…

Pabitra Dhakal Pabitra Dhakal

A historic wage subsidy to 6 million workers declared by Australian government

With so many job holders fearing of getting struck by a disastrous…

Pabitra Dhakal Pabitra Dhakal

PM Morrison reduces the public gathering to 2

No country is safe from the COVID-19 attack. Australia too in the…

Pabitra Dhakal Pabitra Dhakal

How to get a job in telecommunication sector in Australia

Australia has become a dream hub for students and immigrants. The country…

Pabitra Dhakal Pabitra Dhakal

Most recommended job for International Students in Australia

Big dreams! Big goals! & no job! A common scenario for international…

Pabitra Dhakal Pabitra Dhakal

Woolworths & Telstra offers job opportunities to nearly 20,000 Australians

Nepalese students who recently headed to Australia are facing juggling trouble in…

Pabitra Dhakal Pabitra Dhakal

COVID-19: Uber Driver Anil Subba dies in Jackson height, USA

COVID-19 virus takes a life of a Nepalese immigrant, Anil Subba on…

Pabitra Dhakal Pabitra Dhakal