Nepali Page (नेपालीपेज डटकम) is an Australian Nepalese Community Media platform connects large number of Nepalese Australians through common interest news, views and reviews. As an Australian Community Media NepaliPage aggregates News, Australian Nepali Community Affairs from all around Australia in both Nepali and English language
68 Articles

An Ultimate Guide to Australian Farm Jobs with Harvesting Season for job seekers

Australian farm jobs are one of the largest sector for employment. Australian…

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Top 10 Most In-demand IT Jobs in Australia

The COVID-19 pandemic drastically elevated the need for IT professionals, and it…

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5 temples you can buy under 100 dollars in amazon 

Temples not only have traditional and religious value in our lives, but…

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How to get a Nepalese e-Passport in Australia?

Getting a passport is more complex than it used to be; these…

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An ultimate guide: how to renew a Nepali passport in Australia?

Your passport must be renewed for you to travel to any place…

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Cheaper courses won’t help graduates get jobs – they need good careers advice and links with employers

Jason Brown, La Trobe University The government’s higher education funding changes aim…

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Nepalese students spent 2.6 billion AUD to Study in Australia

Thousands of Nepalese youths cross the immigration desk at Tribhuvan International Airport…

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Your partner can’t cancel your visa

Every visa holder should know in the case of Domestic Violence, your…

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Student Visa Cancellation in Australia

Why does Student Visa Cancellation happen in Australia? and why is in…

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7 appealing night shots of Sydney Opera House

“Its significance is based on its unparalleled design and construction" - UNESCO…

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