After focusing the migration program toward regional Australia now the Australian government set to review skilled migration occupation lists. The lists are Short-Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL); Medium and Long-Term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL); and, Regional Occupation List (ROL). Employer-sponsored, Points-tested and state nominated these stream of Australian migration program is reinforced by these lists.
The review of skilled migration occupation lists is to ensure regional Australia to be able to access workers to fill critical skills shortages. To make the list more responsive towards genuine skill shortage on regional level the government has started consulting with stakeholders.
Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business, Michaelia Cash, said the department review of the skilled migration occupation lists is to ensure that Australian employers can access workers with the skills needed to fill the jobs of today and tomorrow when they can’t be met by the domestic workforce.
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Review for Regional
Immigration Minister David Coleman said, the government has allocated 23,000 regional migration places, introduced two new regional visas and signed Designated Area Migration Agreements around the country to attract migrants to the regions, help towns grow and to fill some of the 60,000 job vacancies in regional Australia.
The review on skilled migration occupation lists would be expected to make a way of filling skills gaps in regional Australia and build confidence for businesses they would get workers when need. The review would change update the skilled migration occupation lists, in March 2020.
To keep your eyes on the consultation process, click there.