PTE Academic: is it easy to score 79 plus?

79 plus in each band on PTE Academic makes students and skilled visa seekers eligible to claim 20 points in the Australian skilled migration stream


The Pearson Test of English Language (PTE) is a relatively new addition to the world of English assessment. Obtaining a score of 79 or higher on the PTE is not a difficult endeavour if one takes the proper strategy. The PTE exam is more candidate-friendly and less stressful than other English proficiency tests. The PTE score report provides an overall score. The scorecard is subsequently divided into two categories: communication skills and enabling abilities. Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing is the four components that are tested under communicative skills whereas grammar, Oral Fluency, Pronunciation, Spelling, Vocabulary, and Written Discourse are the components tested for under enabling skills. In order to achieve 20 points for an Australian immigration visa, you must have an average score of 79 and no skills score should be below 79. Passing the PTE exam with a score of 79 or above is not that easy, for many it’s out of hand.

Read More: PTE Academic Online Test Things must know

PTE Academic: is it easy to score 79 plus - NepaliPage

People divided with their ideas on how one can score 79 plus in PTE over Quora, a social forum for answer seekers. Many opine scoring 79 plus in PTE is not that hard but need to make a smart preparation. Amit Angrish says, even for native speakers, getting a score of 79+ requires a lot of practice. In general, students need 1–3 months of preparation to attain a score of 79+, depending on how much effort they can put in and their capacity to retain knowledge. It is, nevertheless, not impossible to achieve a score of more than 79. To earn a score of 79 or higher, you must have a thorough comprehension of the exam scorecard, question style, as well as tips on how to respond to the given instruction and marks assigned to each skill group. According to Anngad Agrawal, online resources can be used by students to get better grades or score greater than 75. These tools, he adds, include sample questions, practise sets, and the official PTE Academic guide. There are other official course materials available as well, allowing applicants to delve deeper into the exam’s subtleties.

If you are aiming to score higher you must work on: your weaknesses. You must identify the skill sets in which you are lacking and work on them on a daily basis.  For instance, if your English writing is weak, look for frequent writing errors made and correct them by practising on a regular basis. Building a good vocabulary is another key factor to a good score: A good vocabulary supports you not only in writing but also helps you to score more in your speaking and oral fluency test. The easiest technique to improve your vocabulary is by reading newspapers, articles, journals and magazines

Hence, In PTE tests scoring 79 and higher are simple with thorough planning and the use of the proper technique. PTE preparation appears to be simple these days, with a plethora of materials and platforms available. Candidates are urged to visit the PTE website and familiarize themselves with the test structure. After taking into account all of the elements and tricks, you should be able to pass the PTE exam with a good score.


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