Online Resources for Consumers

NSW Fair trading is a government agency for providing information of trading practices and what are your rights and duties as a consumer in Australia. This is useful for both the migrants as well as those living in Australia as this safeguards the rights are interests of consumers. Thus providing free assistance and information on various aspects of shopping as well as renting activities.

The range of information available is from basic to what are your rights as consumer extending to what to do if you are not happy with the service and solving disputes as well. Since not all the time the consumer can himself negotiate with the seller hence NSW Fair Trading also provide staff in such cases for the negotiation purpose. Buyer Beware still applies and all the consumers must take full care and not only depend on this.

Online Resources for Consumers - NepaliPage

To start with the services provided, both information repository is present along with videos in many languages to make understanding easier. Also, if one wants any assistance in language, the same can be obtained from Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) by contacting the number: 13 14 50. Here you will be provided with an interpreter who will help you in your language.

For addressing problems like refunds, warranties, any issues with guarantees you may contact this number 13 32 20. This also covers issues like buying and renting car/house and also covers issues involving scams. To obtain more information on this, you may visit this site and also you can find the local center of help near to you.

Online Resources for Consumers - NepaliPage

Here are some other useful links that educate you more on your rights as a consumer in Australia:

Here is video in 17 languages.

Here you can learn about how to effectively manage your bonds. The video present here is in 5 languages.

This educates about tenancy and solutions to the issues you may face. The video is present in 4 languages.

This can be a tricky business as you need to take care of things like disposal of ownership by the previous owner. You can watch the video here which is present in 6 languages.

This gives you an overview of your rights as a consumer. This video is present in 11 languages.


You can also submit your feedback and post any issues you are facing by using the customer feedback services available. Customer feedback form can be downloaded from the feedback section of Fair Trading website. To make it viable for mass, this is also present in 7 languages.

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Disclaimer: (नेपालीपेज डटकम) is a Nepalese Community website aggregating Nepalese Australian affairs including Australian Nepali Community News, Migration opportunities in Australia, Nepali International Students, Nepali home and garden, Nepali mortgage and real estate tips, tricks, and services, Travel, Entertainment, Nepalese Events, blogs, interview and many more. None of our stories is tailored expert advice for your circumstance, and cannot be taken as legal, migration, or any other expert advice. By nature, all of our contents provide general information on related topics from the various verified sources. We do not offer direct employment opportunities, Australian VISA help, and Migration assistance.

About Sugandh Ratan Agarwal

A fun loving gal set in her own ways. Embarking on a journey to make a name. Write such that someone else can write about you! Cheers!
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