It is said, “When In Rome, Do Like Romans Do”. This is very true if you want to mingle up with people. We are humans and being the social animals we are, there is a constant need for being around in someone’s company which can be a little difficult for people who come from outside. Many Nepalese students have faced this issue as the cultures differ a lot. But since each culture and society is set in their own ways and at the same, it is beautiful too, sometimes there are efforts required on our side as well to mingle up with people.
Always remember to be polite to everyone. Now that doesn’t mean to be submissive. There is a thin line between the two. Say no to the things you don’t like. Believe it or not, people who are bold and can speak their mind are liked by others. We need to mingle with people as we leave our country and are going outside. Thus try to socialize and the best part of this is that you go to so many different places. Sightseeing, clubs, eat outs and what not! The world simply becomes your oyster. Having said that, you must remember the sense of personal space as well on both the sides. Never ask any personal questions nor tell something about yourself that is personal and might end up making people feel uncomfortable.
Having polite manners go a long way. Do not forget the magic words: “Sorry” & “Thank you”. If you promise something, make sure to fulfill it. It’s the first step to gaining someone’s trust. We as humans sometimes judge people in haste or form preconceived notions which should be avoided at any cost. Be polite and nice to all irrespective of their gender, age, and the dress code. The latter part can be quiet much intimidating to Nepalese because of the cultural difference but try getting over this.
Now, since many of you might be going for the purpose of studies, so respect time. It is the biggest asset in the world. Respect your time and make sure to do productive things as well as others. A good professional relationship with your teachers and professors go a long way and can help you in a number of ways. Be punctual and if in case you are running late, inform the other person.
So have a great time and make the most of this experience!