National Authority in Australia has reversed its decision to cancel some SA TAFE Courses. The decision was earlier taken to block registration for these courses. Ten of them were hanging on the verge of cancellation. This step has saved about 1000 students from canceled course problems ensuring an ongoing status of qualification and training.
Australian Skills Quality Authority has, however, said that SA TAFE will have to rectify all the errors that were pointed out in these. These include automotive, hairdressing and building qualifications. The skills quality authority of Australia had raised concern on these 16 courses, back in December last year post which 10 were suspended. Later in March’18, TAFE SA lodged in an application for reconsidering on the grounds that the errors have been rectified.
South Australian Education Minister John Gardner quoted by The Australian saying it a very important news for South Australian business, industry and much important for the students who seek for such qualifications that could lead them towards employment.
These are the course that has earned the reprieve:
- Certificate III in Automotive Refinishing Technology
- Certificate III in Motorcycle Mechanical Technology
- Certificate ll in Meat Processing (Abattoirs)
- Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- Certificate III in Individualised Support.
- Certificate IV in Leisure and Health
- Certificate III in Hairdressing
- Diploma of Visual Merchandising
- Diploma of Building and Construction
- Certificate III in Plumbing.