Job Options for Foodie

Do what you love and you will be the best at it. A true saying that has passed the test of time. We all love to do something and if we can pursue it as a career then there is nothing better than it. Many people are good at math, science, law; the list can go on and on. But there is a fun activity that is essential to all of us and we love to do it too. Yes, you guessed it right. Eating food! We all love those delicacies that just takes away all the stress. But do you know the person who is in the kitchen has actually done various courses and studied a lot to present that lip smacking meal? Yes. These are a lot of options as a career for the people who love food.

Job Options for Foodie - NepaliPage

Take a look

  • Food Blogger: As the world is advancing today and the internet is growing a huge speed, blogging is becoming a good career option. Among this, food blogging particularly has grown many folds. Not much is required to become a blogger. You should be good with words and have a passion for food as well as writing. You will also need a laptop/computer, a good camera or an iPhone will work just fine. Along with all this, you need to be really good at describing food which will come with experience.
  • Tech start-ups: Now you may find the salaries not very lucrative but there are many perks associated with it. You get free food and will never be needing to cook. These jobs are generally taken by students who want to get an idea of the industry and further go to create their own business.Job Options for Foodie - NepaliPage
  • Food Stylist: Talk about a job of glamor and style in food. Today when the disposable incomes are high and people are striving towards better standards of living, this one career is soaring high. Restaurants employ food stylists just for seeing how the plate should be set up, how it should be decorated. Magazines that are presenting anything on culinary skills consult food stylists on how the pictures of the food should be taken so that it looks more lust-worthy.
  • Receptionists: This is for the people who are involved with studies like human resources but at the same time want to be close to their passion for food. The salaries are quite lucrative and you can have many career options as you go up.


Which one do you want to go for?

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About Sugandh Ratan Agarwal

A fun loving gal set in her own ways. Embarking on a journey to make a name. Write such that someone else can write about you! Cheers!
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