Australia to introduce New Visa for High Tech Skills Migrant

A good news for migrants trained in high-end skills related to technology as Australia will be introducing a new category of visa especially for migrants with skills related to high technology. This will be available for the migrants earning more than $180,000 per year.

This new category of visa will help companies hire migrant talent in Australia. The Global Talent Scheme is aiming at bringing technology-rich talent to the country. This will help the country stand strong in the fierce competition today. A government statement about the introduction of this visa read, “The Government recognises there is fierce competition globally for high-tech skills and talent, and that attracting these people helps to transfer skills to Australian workers and grow Australian-based businesses.” Australia to introduce New Visa for High Tech Skills Migrant - NepaliPage

A new visa for start-up companies seeking talent in STEM fields like biomedicine and agricultural technology shall also be introduced. Under this stream, the businesses shall be able to take in 20 migrants per year.  Under this, established business units with an annual turnover of more than $4 mn will be able to hire individuals earning more than $180,000 into Australia. The trial of this will be run for 12 months in the initial phase and will replace the shortage created by 457 temporary skilled visas. The companies looking to hire by this way will have to show first that they tried to hire from native Australians initially. Australians will have to be given priority first before looking at overseas talent.

Australia to introduce New Visa for High Tech Skills Migrant - NepaliPage

Regarding the set of occupations, there has been no set list provided for this. However, the applicant will have to have total experience of at least 3 years in the relevant area of work. Some changes may be witnessed over the next few months as the trial period progresses. The pilot period of one year shall begin in July 2018.

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Disclaimer: (नेपालीपेज डटकम) is a Nepalese Community website aggregating Nepalese Australian affairs including Australian Nepali Community News, Migration opportunities in Australia, Nepali International Students, Nepali home and garden, Nepali mortgage and real estate tips, tricks, and services, Travel, Entertainment, Nepalese Events, blogs, interview and many more. None of our stories is tailored expert advice for your circumstance, and cannot be taken as legal, migration, or any other expert advice. By nature, all of our contents provide general information on related topics from the various verified sources. We do not offer direct employment opportunities, Australian VISA help, and Migration assistance.

About Sugandh Ratan Agarwal

A fun loving gal set in her own ways. Embarking on a journey to make a name. Write such that someone else can write about you! Cheers!
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