5 reasons why Australia is the best country to move in

We have endured enough of never-ending power cuts, sporadic strikes, and political turmoil in the country. Due to this, the number of youth leaving Nepal is ever increasing. We all are looking for greener pastures. All around the globe, there are countries which are a thousand times better than us. You must be considering of these well-developed countries to move into. Among many counties Nepalese go to whether on a student visa or working visa, Australia remains one of the top destinations. Australia’s high standard of living, diverse culture and an enriched environment is attracting a large number of Nepalese every year. Here are five reasons why a large number of Nepalese opts for Australia to settle in.

Diverse Culture

Australia is home to the population with diverse cultures. It has a history of mass immigration from different countries particularly Indonesian, Thai, and Lebanese dominating the population. It is recognized as one of the most multicultural and multilingual countries in the world. One in four Australians were born overseas. As Nepali also comes from a multicultural background it easier for them to get familiar with the new environment and fall in love with the new home country.

A high standard of living

A high standard of living is one of the reasons why Australia has a large number of immigrants. It is ranked as one of the best countries with the highest economic growth and living standards. According to the HDI index published by the United Nations, it ranks second in the list. The availability of health facilities, job opportunities, and education are measured in the HDI index. Meanwhile, the Economist Intelligence Unit has also started four of the Australian cities as the world’s top 10 livable cities. Melbourne ranks number one, Adelaide, Sydney, Perth holding fifth, seventh, and eighth positions respectively. Though the cost of living is higher here, it is worth providing the standard of life you live here.

Read Also: Farm work in Australia, another option for students, temporary visa holders 

5 reasons why Australia is the best country to move in - NepaliPage
Australia is most sought destination for Nepalese Students.

Natural beauty

Australia has a diverse natural environment which includes breathtaking landscapes, natural parks, dense rainforest, and beautiful beaches. You can spend your weekend doing numerous recreational activities like surfing, skiing, hiking, visiting parks, and so on. It is a nature’s paradise, with unique biodiversity.

Efficient public healthcare    

It provides a world-class health care system through Medicare. Medicare has a publicly funded health care system designed for everyone. It provides you quality health care at an affordable cost. Medicare offers free health care services or at times subsidized treatment promising you best health care.

Read Also: Career as Accountant in Australia 

5 reasons why Australia is the best country to move in - NepaliPage

Advanced Economy

Ever growing the economy of Australia has plenty of job opportunities offered to you. A full-time worker in Australia earns the Australian dollar 1,500 a week. It ranks fourth on highest wage earners in regard to purchasing power. Moreover, the past record of Australia’s economy shows it can withstand any financial crisis. So you can be assured that as soon as you land here, you won’t be empty-handed as to jobs.

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Disclaimer: NepaliPage.com (नेपालीपेज डटकम) is a Nepalese Community website aggregating Nepalese Australian affairs including Australian Nepali Community News, Migration opportunities in Australia, Nepali International Students, Nepali home and garden, Nepali mortgage and real estate tips, tricks, and services, Travel, Entertainment, Nepalese Events, blogs, interview and many more. None of our stories is tailored expert advice for your circumstance, and cannot be taken as legal, migration, or any other expert advice. By nature, all of our contents provide general information on related topics from the various verified sources. We do not offer direct employment opportunities, Australian VISA help, and Migration assistance.

About Nepali Page

NepaliPage.com (नेपालीपेज डटकम) is an Australian Nepalese Community Media platform connects large number of Nepalese Australians through common interest news, views and reviews. As an Australian Community Media NepaliPage aggregates News, Australian Nepali Community Affairs from all around Australia in both Nepali and English language
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